I didn’t grow up racing triathlon.
In fact, I grew up with a particular dislike of swimming, biking, and
running. When my mom suggested I
enter a local triathlon race in my early teens, I respectfully declined (which
in teen translates to a plain “no”). A few inspirational teachers in high school gradually changed my perspective on the sport, and on June 5, 2011 (exactly 5 years ago), I headed out to Milton with my family to see what this triathlon thing was all about. I didn't have a huge breakthrough win in my first race (I was 27'th overall), but I definitely caught the triathlon bug, and have been racing ever since.
My first race...mummy in the background |
Coincidently (it really is a coincidence...I didn't plan this out), today is also June 5'th, and I was back racing in Milton for my first time since 2011. Today also marked a new page in my triathlon career as it was my first official race racing as a pro.
Pre-Race with some of my Mettle athletes (who did great today) |
A Quick Race Re-cap
There wasn't a stacked field at todays event, but there were certainly some fast guys that could contend for the win, namely
Mikael Staer Nathan and Jessey the Elf...the Tri-Elf-lete (who I have previously known as Ben Sayles).
Ben had his usual fast swim and put around a minute and a bit on Mikael and I. It was my first time in open water this year, and I was just happy the water wasn't freezing cold.
Mikael and I started the bike together, but he soon dropped back (due to shoe issues) and I started to put time into him. I took the lead in the race about 10km into the bike (after a missed turn which cost me some time...I could have sworn that arrow was pointing straight).
Ben stuck with me for the rest of the bike, and actually surged at the end to go into T2 first. I quickly regained the lead on the run, and never gave it up. I crossed the line feeling strong and captured the win in my season opener.
The 2016 Season
This year will be my first year racing as a pro, and I will be focusing primarily on the half iron distance. I've had a ton of help getting to where I am today (5 years after my first race), and I have some awesome people around me supporting me as I go forward. This year, I have the privilege of being supported by:
Mettle Multisport,
Multisport Canada,
Skechers Performance Canada, and
eLoad Sport Nutrition (watch my video by following the link). My coach Derek has been instrumental in my development as an athlete, and my family, friends/training partners all deserve a huge thank you.
As fellow athlete Sjaan Gerth put it to me last year, hopefully my first win (as a pro) is a harbinger of good things to come.